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oculogyric crisis

См. также в других словарях:

  • Oculogyric crisis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H51.8 ICD 9 378.87 …   Wikipedia

  • oculogyric crisis — n a spasmodic attack that occurs in some nervous diseases and is marked by fixation of the eyeballs in one position usu. upward called also oculogyric spasm * * * a crisis occurring in epidemic encephalitis, postencephalitic parkinsonism, or… …   Medical dictionary

  • oculogyric crisis — a spasmodic deviation of the eyes upwards with head tilted backwards, which may last minutes or hours. It occurs in patients with postencephalitic parkinsonism and in patients taking phenothiazine drugs. Treatment is with antimuscarinic drugs …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • oculogyric crisis — noun : a spasmodic attack that occurs in some nervous diseases and is marked by fixation of the eyeballs in one position usually upward …   Useful english dictionary

  • crisis oculogira — Eng. Oculogyric crisis Convulsión tónica de desviación conjugada de la mirada que aparece en casos de encefalitis epidémica …   Diccionario de oftalmología

  • crisis — 1. A sudden change, usually for the better, in the course of an acute disease, in contrast to the gradual improvement by lysis. 2. A paroxysmal pain in an organ or circumscribed region of the body occurring in the course of …   Medical dictionary

  • OGC — oculogyric crisis …   Medical dictionary

  • OGC — • oculogyric crisis …   Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations

  • oculogyriccrisis — oculogyric crisis n. A spasmodic movement of the eyeballs into a fixed position, usually upward, that persists for several minutes or hours. * * * …   Universalium

  • Dystonia — Dystonias Classification and external resources A person with medication induced dystonia. ICD 10 G24.9 …   Wikipedia

  • Metoclopramide — Systematic (IUPAC) name 4 amino 5 chloro N (2 (di …   Wikipedia

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